Workplace Coaching: Can You Really Measure It’s ROI?

The benefits of workplace coaching

Research carried out by the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) showed that 95% of learning and development managers say coaching has delivered tangible benefits for their organisation. Which is probably why 90% of organisations over 2000 employees use business coaching. They listed the key areas improved by coaching to be:


  • Better communication and interpersonal skills
  • Increased confidence and motivation
  • Improved conflict resolution
  • Better management performance

What do these benefits mean in practice?

What kind of business results can we expect to see from the key areas of improvement listed above? Here are a few business benefits that we often see after workplace coaching is provided:

  • Absenteeism falling
  • Improved staff retention
  • Grievances dropped
  • More effective meetings (less wasted time)
  • Achieving sales targets
  • Lower number of complaints

In terms of ROI, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) carried out research that identified that on average organisations estimated an ROI of 7 times their initial investment by implementing workplace coaching. In fact, quarter of those organisations actually reported ROI 10-49 times their initial investment.

But that’s still not a monetary figure specific to our organisation…

Let’s take one of the potential results from above – achieving sales targets. Now let’s say that the company in question were making £100,000 in sales each month. After workplace coaching they have been able to raise this to an average of £105,000 each month (a 5% increase).

We could automatically attribute this improvement to the coaching programme and claim an ROI of £5000 per month, or £60,000 each year. However, we need to take into account other factors that may have influenced sales and accept that the coaching may not be entirely responsible.

For this example, let’s estimate that the coaching is responsible for 50% of the sales increase (£30,000 each year). Even if we can’t identify any other contributing factors to the sales increase our figure needs to be conservative to be considered reliable

Now, to be doubly sure that our figure is realistic, let’s say we are 70% confident in our estimation (70% of £30,000 leaves us with £21,000). At this stage we are pretty confident that our coaching programme has directly allowed us to increase sales by £21,000 each year.

Finally, we need to subtract the cost of the coaching itself. Let’s say a team of 4 sales staff went through a number of one to one coaching sessions at a total cost of £1000 per person (£4000 for the team).

£21,000 – £4,000 = £17,000

We can estimate that one to one coaching has provided a return on investment of £17,000 this year in terms of sales figures (this is before we even consider the other benefits and areas of ROI).

Of course, this is just a conservative estimate and the success of coaching is not best judged by trying to use exact monetary terms. However, it’s a handy calculation to have up your sleeve when asked to put a figure on it.

5 Ways To Improve Productivity


5 Things To Consider When Choosing An LMS

With the vast number of options available in the marketplace, choosing the right Learning Management System (LMS) for your organisation can be tricky.

Despite the number of options, you may still find it difficult to find a solution that meets all of your requirements. With that in mind, we’ve put together this article highlighting 5 things to consider when choosing an LMS.

5 Things To Consider When Choosing An LMS

Concept of businessman choosing the right door

Consider the skill level of your administrators

You could find the most innovative, cost-effective and best-fitting solution right away. However, this could be useless if your site administrators lack the technical knowledge to work the back-end of a complex LMS. If you lack internal technical resource then look for a system that’s user friendly and simple to administrate. Look for a system that has a strong community following and good levels of technical support.

Being able to fully control and maintain your system is vital. So whether your administrators are tech-savy or not, make sure the solution you choose caters to this.

Take time to properly scope out the functionality required

If you don’t put enough time into fully scoping out the features that your LMS needs to have then you may be going down a dead-end street. This will ultimately mean wasting a whole bunch of resources, then having to go back to the drawing board.

It’s also important not to try and implement too much, too soon. Come up with a realistic set of requirements, put them into achievable milestones and stick to them. You don’t want to stifle creativity of course, any good feature ideas that come up should be recorded. Put them into an ideas park so you can revisit them once you are happy with your primary requirements.

Pick the right platform for your type of content

It’s crucial that you choose a system that can deliver your content in the format you need it to. Whether you require video streaming, interactive quizzing, upload functionality or compatibility with an API such as SCORM or Tin Can – make sure the system you choose supports this. If your content is in an outdated or unpopular format, you may need to spend some time reworking it to reach as wide an audience as possible.

Always keep the learner journey in mind

Think about the learners who will be using your system. This sounds obvious, but it’s very easy to get caught up in making the system what you think it should be, rather than what the learner needs it to be. Consider the learner journey from start to finish, consider where people might drop-off and address the reasons why. This is important if you want your students to become fully engaged with your learning content. If the functionality is not intuitive and there are obstacle in the learners way, then you’re going to lose people. Huge amounts of money are wasted each year due to the user experience not being properly considered.

Don’t forget about hosting

It’s not just the LMS you need to think about. If you already have a hosting provider then you need to check whether your choosen solution can run on your current hosting platform. Choosing a hosting provider is important, you could find yourself having to migrate your entire system if you haven’t put enough research into your solution upfront. This can cause downtime on the site and inconvenience students whilst they are forming an initial impression of your site. If you are not familiar with server technology and do not fully understand the technical requirements to host your system then allocate some budget towards seeking expert advice.

5 Things a Coaching and Mentoring Qualification Can Do For Your Career

A qualification in coaching and mentoring can provide a great number of benefits towards your career progression. Having a good understanding of coaching tools and techniques, as well as the ability to apply them in the workplace can be an incredible power to wield. Here are 5 great things that a coaching and mentoring qualification could do for your career:


  1. Improved Motivation – Coaching and Mentoring is most often associated with helping other individuals to work through big decisions and issues. However, the skills of a good coach can be just as easily used to coach themselves. People who practice self-coaching are far clearer on their goals and outcomes, and for that reason are far more motivated to achieve them. Try it for yourself, use the OSCAR Model to self-coach yourself through an issue that’s currently on your mind.
  2. Ability to Manage Stress – You may have noticed that people who can utilise self-coaching seem to exude a calmness that the rest of us struggle to achieve. Being able to self-coach helps you to solve your own problems, rationalise more effectively and decrease your dependence on other people. In this way, coaching allows you to greatly reduce stress as it makes you aware that, ultimately, only you can control your own stress levels.
  3. Greater Job Performance – Coaching models such as OSCAR can greatly enhance your ability to make good decisions. A structured approach to decision-making also means that the right decisions can be made far more efficiently, saving a great deal of time and resource. What does this result in? You become far more efficient in performing your job role!
  4. Improved Management Performance – Managers who successfully adopt a coaching approach with their team members are better managers. By using a coaching approach with your team members you have a far greater chance of them feeling valued, respected and knowing that their efforts are appreciated. What does this mean for you as a manager? People are more willing to work towards your goals and priorities, as you are the manager who shows that you appreciate them.
  5. Greater Recognition and Respect – As we’ve seen in points one to four, by utilising a coaching approach you’re more motivated, less stressed, performing at your best and helping others to do the same. People will start to notice your calm demeanour and the clinical efficiency with which you execute your workload. Naturally you’re going to get greater recognition and respect. You look like a rockstar to your colleagues and that promotion can’t be too far around the corner!

5 Reasons To Do An Online Leadership And Management Qualification

As anyone who’s worked with us knows, we are big advocates of the classroom and the quality that classroom delivery can provide (with a good trainer!). However, there are several areas in which doing your online leadership and management qualification simply exceeds the traditional classroom offering.

5 reasons to do an online leadership and management qualification

  1. You can do it at your own pace – Online courses don’t require that you take entire days out of your busy work schedule. You can fit them in around your daily activities as no one is required to be physically present at any given time.


  1. Good online courses come in bite-sized chunks – This allows you to consume content in smaller chunks, again allowing you to fit your learning into a busy schedule.


  1. You can consume the content from many locations – Most decent online courses will provide access for mobile devices, so you are not limited to the location in which you can consume content. You will probably need an internet connection though!


  1. Support from online communities – Online communities offer interaction and support from a much wider ranging audience than a classroom can. Instead of having just your cohort to interact with, you have every person who has ever taken the course online.


  1. See the content again, and again, and again – One of the greatest benefits of online training is that you can watch the content over and over. No one remembers everything they were told in a training session, well maybe the few of us with eidetic memories, but for the rest of us it’s not possible. Online learning allows you to revisit the content and consolidate your learning. How can we put learning into practice if we can’t accurately remember the original training?


One further thing to point out (I know this is now technically 6 reasons) is that online learning is generally a lot cheaper than the classroom. Always something to think about.

So, next time you are considering a qualification, whether it’s in leadership and management or otherwise, it might be worth exploring if there’s an online option.

5 Pitfalls To Avoid When Taking Your Leadership Training Online

Many of us would like to take our leadership training online, but in doing so there are a few pitfalls we need to watch out for.

5 Pitfalls to avoid when taking your leadership training online

  1. Thinking that online and classroom training are the same thing. Now this one sounds obvious, but very often companies will take their classroom workbook and paste it into static, dull web pages. The organisation now offers eLearning, tick in the box. Well, I’m not sure you can truly call that eLearning, and this is a big part of the reason that eLearning sometimes has a reputation for being boring. Would you sit your classroom participants down and just ask them to read the workbook all day? Hopefully the answer is no! Online learning needs to make up for the absence of a real-life presenter, this can be done with more exciting media such as video demonstrations and interactive activities.
  2. Getting the price wrong. This is an easy trap to fall into, and it’s important to understand from the very beginning that people are looking at eLearning in order to cut-costs. Classroom-based training is expensive and companies look to eLearning as a cheaper alternative. Don’t price yourself out of the market, do some research and take a look at what others are charging in your industry. Technology is becoming more and more available and easy to use, you don’t need to throw huge sums of money into eLearning anymore and attempt to transfer the cost the client.
  3. Point, click, point, click. Another common theme seen in eLearning is point and click interactions. Whilst these types of activities have their place and can be very effective, don’t make it the entire experience. People soon tire of clicking through page after page of text and multiple choice questions. Break it up with video, podcasts and different types of activities.
  4. Low quality media. If your online training is going to involve video (and it likely should) then make sure you invest in good quality equipment and someone who knows how to use it. Poor video and audio quality will turn people off immediately, no matter how great the content is.
  5. Not bothering to storyboard. Good eLearning spends as much, if not more time in planning than in development. If an eLearning module hasn’t been storyboarded it shows. To produce powerful, engaging eLearning you need to spend a lot of time thinking about the user experience. If you’re going to just jump into the studio and film because ‘you’re an expert on the subject-matter’ then you will be missing the most vital component – crafting an engaging experience for the user. Online and classroom experiences are very different. Take a look at other online courses and think about the methods they use to engage users in this training format. A little time planning will go a long way!

This isn’t by any means an all-inclusive summary of ALL of the pitfalls that you might come across when taking your management training online but it’s certainly some of the major ones we’ve encountered.

5 Management Learning Trends You Can’t Ignore in 2015

Over the last 5 years both technology and psychology have dramatically transformed the way that we look at learning. There is no doubt that the learning landscape is changing faster than ever! None of the following trends are necessarily ‘new’ in 2015, but they are gaining momentum like never before:



On-Demand Learning

Thanks to the internet, people have become accustomed to accessing pretty much any information on-demand. This applies to learning just as much as anything else – what’s the first thing you do when you need to find out about something new?

Any learning experience that does not take advantage of this trend is missing a trick. People do a great deal of their learning via bite-sized chunks that they find on the internet. Some examples of this type of learning are videos, blogs and eBooks. This all forms part of a continuous learning experience, and if you’re not providing your people with continuous learning then they are greatly missing out.


Blended Learning

This continues on from the previous trend, as to provide ‘on-demand’ learning, we need to change the way we look at training delivery. Face to face learning is an amazing and enlightening experience (with the right trainer), but it doesn’t provide an on-demand, continuous learning experience on it’s own. This is where blended learning comes in.

Blended learning allows us to make best use of classroom training, eLearning, informative blogs, videos and any other form of learning. The goal is to bring them all together to provide a more engaging and continuous learning experience for the individual.


Personalised Learning

The next step after blended learning is ‘personalised learning’. This is where learners really start to feel that the learning experience isn’t just flexible and blended, but that it has been built for them. People have different learning styles, different commitments and different preferences – one-size fits all doesn’t work, it never did.

People expect a lot from the services they pay good money for, and rightly so! People want tailored experiences that take into consideration their budget, their current skills, their technical requirements, the level and type of support they need (the list goes on). Companies that put the extra effort in to personalise the learning experience are the ones who are ultimately able to provide the best service.



Mixing learning with a bit of healthy competition and fun can make the experience incredibly rewarding. Gamification isn’t a new word anymore, but it’s still not that widely adopted in the leadership and management training industry. Positive reinforcement for learning feels good, and there’s plenty of great information on the internet around how to make it work for you in 2015.


Mobile Learning

People want to access their learning on mobiles. Almost everyone has a smart phone, and a growing number are using these devices to access and consume learning content. Companies not adopting mobile learning are no longer ‘slow adopters’, they are actually behind.

The biggest mistake made when developing mobile learning is assuming that it works in the same way as more traditional forms of learning. Don’t try and create mobile learning without first understanding what makes it so different to traditional learning. But don’t let it be a barrier for you either, as with almost everything else, there’s plenty of great information available online. This is the year to bring your learning experiences to mobile devices, if you haven’t already.


At Worthlearning we’ve been working for 20 years with organisations to help them to develop the best learning experiences for their people.

For a free consultation on how to create the right learning experiences for your organisation get in touch today.

5 Characteristics Of Authentic Leaders

Which characteristics make for an authentic leader? Here’s five that we think all true leaders possess.

5 Characteristics of Authentic Leaders


5 characteristics of authentic leaders:


Trustworthy: We need leaders that can be trusted – that show integrity, credibility, reliability and congruence. Leaders who that say what they mean, mean what they say and do what they say they will – keeping their promises.


Human: They are approachable, not hiding behind their role or status. They are capable of a degree of intimate connection and are in touch with their own emotions as well as those of others. They are not afraid to show their emotions when appropriate.


Humble: Authentic leaders are self-aware, they know their strengths and limitations. They recognise the need to work with those who have complementary strengths. They own up to their mistakes and offer a sincere apology when appropriate, particularly, when they break a promise. These leaders recognise that they are on a journey; that they are still learning.


Principled: They know what they believe, what they value and the principles that they will live and die by. This doesn’t mean they are rigid and unable to compromise – they should be able to flex and give on many issues when the situation demands it. But they know where their line is drawn, there are certain principles on which they will not compromise even if it means that profits, popularity or prospects will suffer as a result.


Other-Centred: Authentic leaders are not self-absorbed or self-centred, but basically secure in themselves, comfortable in their own skin, and as a result are able to keep their focus on serving others. They are not self promoting but recognise their role is to enable and empower others to be the best they can be for their own good and the good of the organisation.

Take a moment to think, are you portraying these characteristic and coming across to your people as an authentic leader?